O young people of the time, I advise you, being children,
to devote yourself to instruction and teaching.
Be, with relentlessness, in the quest for knowledge.
It is said that a lesson learned in youth is like an inscription on the stone.
Except for a valid excuse, do not neglect any lesson
Neglect is synonymous with loss.
Each moment a task of its own.
Life is short, never say « tomorrow I will do ».
Time is like the sword.
Do your duty before it cuts you to pieces.
Try to memorize your lessons and repeat them.
Research and take an interest in the written word.
Be a good listener and try to understand any problematic.
Carefully examine the riddles in the suras and verses.
Make sure your questions are based on pure principles.
Ask questions with absolute courtesy and respect.
If, the teacher treats you with respect,
you will find the graces of knowledge and you will live!
Respect him, glorify him, treat him with kindness.
Whatever his need is, satisfy it.
When he is preoccupied or in need of service,
support him in all his desires.
Divine satisfaction is in that of the sheikhs.
As far as possible, avoid disobeying him.
Let nothing in the world make you forget the rights of parents.
To God, give what belongs to Him.
Don’t be fooled by Satan.
Remember when Iblis declared himself an enemy of Adam.
Respect the sacredness and function of the sheikh.
He is truly worthy of that respect.
He who is foolishly fooled is in danger.
by the frills of the world and pours into oppression.
For the wise man, this is the place of knowledge and courtesy;
not a house of discord and entertainment.
For the attentive, it is a place of harmony and conciliation.
where one must cling to God’s cable and beware.
My brothers, if a scoundrel brings you information,
Ask around and forget all about it.
Poem translated into French by Dr Seydi Diamil Niane and into English by Serigne Mame Ousmane Sy Djamil
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